Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Best of the bars...

Created by shi thouse > 9 months ago, 13 May 2020
QLD, 6493 posts
1 Jan 2021 7:43PM
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snalberski said..
I like big holes.

Tee hee!

Most people who complain about "binding" are talking about "fishpole-ing" the bar (I bet they're not) then sheeting in and out while doing so, and I can't imagine why you'd really need to be doing that... so I assumed you were talking about the same thing. Sorry. Mind you, they're also the ones who moan about PU covered depower lines "binding"... I bet their heads are really going to explode with these new bars

Why would it bind any more or less than any other bar? Each line goes through its own hole, with the splitter slides between them to affect the untwisting. Any time you sheet in, the lines are straightened so you'd have to make maximum effort to even ride with lines twisted, let alone initiate a loop.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Best of the bars..." started by shi thouse