Forums > Kitesurfing   New South Wales

Watch out....really nasty rocks/reefs at The Basin

Created by Mikedobee > 9 months ago, 15 Feb 2012
NSW, 331 posts
15 Feb 2012 11:36PM
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Just a short reminder about the dangers at The Basin/Fisherman's Bay. There are many razor blade sharp rocks and reefs in the water. I managed to get a pretty nasty infection on the soles of my feet and doesn't seem to go away. Had it for a week now.

I don't think I'll ever get in the water without Fiver Finger Shoes or something to protect my feet. It's fricking nasty....

Especially at The Basin, don't go in the water unless you know what you are doing and have shoes or something.


NSW, 511 posts
19 Feb 2012 10:04AM
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I thought you were tol before that fishermans is not a beginners spot? And that there are submerged reefs....why would you stand up.

NSW, 331 posts
19 Feb 2012 11:58AM
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Well....true, but because of the lack of time to go somewhere else, I was taking the risk.

And that particular day, was really shallow and I wanted to safely avoid some other rocks.


Forums > Kitesurfing   New South Wales

"Watch out....really nasty rocks/reefs at The Basin" started by Mikedobee